For the better part of the last decade when I have not been on the radio with you at night, I have been teaching in the classroom during the day. Your kid’s teachers will back me up when I say that while students have definitely earned their summer break, a lot of learning skills get lost over these three months- especially when it comes to reading comprehension.
That’s why I think its AWESOME that Barnes and Noble is doing a FREE summer reading program for kids (grades 1-6, ideally). If a student completes their Barnes and Noble Reading Journal by reading eight books, and recording their favorite part of each book they list, they can redeem their journal for a free book (from selected titles including classics like The Boxcar Children and A Wrinkle In Time as well as more modern books including one about the Summer Olympics) at a Barnes and Noble store.
Get reading, kids! The Summer Reading Program ends August 31!
Full details of the program are at Barnes and Noble’s Website