He’s made the list and checked it twice… and now Santa and the reindeer are setting off to visit the homes of all the good boys and girls around the world!
As always- NORAD is tracking that trip! More than 500 uniformed personnel, defense department civilians, their families, and volunteers will be spending their Christmas Eve answering that popular question- “Where’s Santa?”.
How you can keep tabs on Santa this year
- Online: at NORADsanta.org (and until Santa takes to the skies, kids can play games and watch movies about Santa and NORAD, and count down the hours and minutes until Christmas!)
- Amazon Echo: “Alexa, ask NORAD Tracks Santa, where is Santa”, “Alexa, ask NORAD Tracks Santa when Santa will be at my house”.
- Beginning on Christmas Eve: Call 1-800-HI-NORAD
So… Why NORAD? As a partnership between the United States and Canada, NORAD is tasked with protecting the skies over North America all year long- all the airplanes, space launches, and yes- even Santa- are all watched and protected by NORAD to make sure they are safe from takeoff to landing!
This all got started back in 1955- when a Sears in Colorado made a typo in a newspaper ad and published the phone number for the US Air Force’s Air Defense Command instead of Santa’s personal phone number. When a child called in, and Col. Harry Shoup answered, he checked the skies and told the young boy- and every caller that night- where Santa was. From that moment on- tracking Santa has been a tradition!