WE Fest campsite Contest
“Stars, Stripes and Lites-Americana”
To Enter:
Decorate your campsite at WE Fest to reflect the theme of “Stars, Stripes and Lites-Americana” and post up to three (3) photos of your decorated campsite on Instagram, using the required tag @WEFestMN and the required hashtags #ItsMillerTime and #BOB95FM
Grand Prize
4 VIP tickets and camping For WE Fest 2019
Miller Lite Prize Pack
BOB 95 FM Prize Pack
2nd Place
4 3-Day GA tickets and camping for WE Fest 2019
Miller Lite Prize Pack
BOB 95 FM Prize Pack
3rd Place
2 3-Day GA tickets and camping for WE Fest 2019
Miller Lite Prize Pack
BOB 95 FM Prize Pack